
You only need one reason to advertise on Facebook

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By Salem Akhmedov


Underpriced attention, that's it folks, that's all I gotta say... ok ok, just kidding don't leave yet... let me explain.

I recently read a book by Gary Vaynerchuck(#ASKGARYVEE Book) and what he says about Facebook Advertising outlines what I would tell you...

"We've never had an ad product with incredible accuracy, one that could target to age, sex, occupation, and on top of that, behaviors and interests. By partnering up with data mining companies, Facebook can now tell us not only the demographics of its users but their buying histories, both online and off. You can literally target one ad to nineteen-year-old men with facial hair who live in Phoenix and drink Red Bull and another one to twenty-three-old women in Detroit who wear contact lenses and play golf. I'm a forty-year-old male who lives in Manhattan and loves the Jets and root beer. Imagine what a phenomenally cost-effective transaction you could instigate if you hit my emotional center by putting in my line of vision a root beer with green football thematics. The only challenge is figuring out the psychology of your audience and determining what story will most likely compel them to make a purchase. If you learn to interpret the available correctly and deploy it with creative calls to action against the right demo at the right time on the right platform, you're golden. Theoretically, Facebook ads could allow you to create a unique, native, relevant ad to every user on Facebook. I'm convinced this period will be heralded as one of the great eras of advertising alongside early TV advertising, early direct mail advertising, and early Google AdWords."

Any #smallbusiness to a fortune 500 company needs to utilize Facebook Advertising.

You can get a copy of the book here, it's a great read.

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Picture of Salem Akhmedov

About Salem Akhmedov

Salem is a front-end web developer with skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

He is passionate about working on new projects and providing an engaging user experience on all platforms.